Monday 29 August 2016

Pokemon Gen II (English Version)

sejarah pokemon generasi dua(2)

The Second Generation (Japanese: 第二世代 second generation) of Pokémon games, referred to as the Gold/Silver series in Pokémon Crystal's box blurb and instruction manual, and sometimes called the metal generation or metallic generation by older players due to the names of the paired versions, is a sequel to the Generation I games Red and Green, Blue, Red and Blue, Yellow.

Friday 26 August 2016

Sejarah Playstation 1 (English Version)

sejarah playsation 1 (ps1)

Who does not know the legendary this one? gamers may be very familiar with the ancient legend of this one, plays every day like a game: Harvest moon, CTR, Winning Eleven, Spyro, Bisibasi Special. Let us get to know this one thing for those who do not know or already

Thursday 25 August 2016

Sejarah Cosplay

sejarah cosplay dan perkembangan cosplay

Bagi temen-temen yang suka nonton anime dan baca komik/manga, pasti temen-temen sudah tidak asing dengan kalimat "Cosplay". Cosplay sangat di minati di Jepang dan berkembang hingga keluar negri termasuk Indonesia.

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Sejarah awal mula Pokemon(First Generation)

Sejarah awal mula pokemon

Hari gini siapa sih yang gatau "Pokemon" karena sekarang muncul game Pokemon Go tapi kali ini kita ngebahas Pokemon pada tahun 1996-1999 yang biasa di sebut First Generation.